Why Should I Add My Site to Paid Web Directories?
One of the most vital SEO campaigns involves submission of websites to popular web directories. It’s considered as a great technique to gain quality and authoritative links that can go a long way in improving the search engine ranking for one’s website. In other words,best of the web directory submission of websites to a web directory can help webmasters optimize their websites, and in the process improve their chances of making it big in the world of Internet marketing.
As such, web directories have been in place even before the existence of some of the popular search engines. From Internet user’s point of view, a web directory is one of the most popular and reliable sources available on the net to seek quality information. In order to submit a site to a web directory, a webmaster can visit any popular web directory and feed in the required information such as the website link and description to be included in the listings of a web directory. Submitting a site is a relatively easy process that barely requires a couple of minutes. The key is to choose the right web directory in order to gain full advantage from the link submission activity.
The fact that one can seek competitive advantage by submitting one’s website to popular web directories, loads of website owners tend to include link submission activity in their SEO campaign. Both free and paid directories exist today. While at the face of it, free directory submission might appear to be an alluring option, the fact of the matter is that there are certain drawbacks associated with free directory submission. Experienced webmasters are well aware of the fact that paid directory submission is the way to go in order to enjoy long term benefits from link submission campaigns. There are many other solid reasons to submit sites to a paid directory. Let’s have a detailed look at them.
Quick and near guaranteed acceptance
One of the things that most Internet marketers hate is slow results. Almost everyone wants instant or quick gratification for their hard work. Needless to say, waiting for link acceptance can prove to be a frustrating thing, especially when one does not see any action being taken from the other end for several days. In some cases, one might have to wait for several weeks just to see their link posted at the right place. Ironically, one might not even know right away if the posted link was rejected or accepted. Such lack of positive response usually takes place if one resorts to free directory submissions. As a result, the search engine ranking does not improve.
The delay in improving the search engine ranking for one’s website can sometimes cause more damage than what one might expect. A competing website might head away and enjoy all the benefits due to the undue delay caused in improving one’s search engine ranking. After all, time is money and one can’t take forever to get things done in the constantly changing world of Internet marketing. Over here, resorting to paid directory submission can prove to the ideal bet because most website owners will approve the link as soon as they receive the payment. Since it’s a paid service, chances of link rejections are extremely bleak. Therefore, in addition to quick link acceptance, one can expect near guaranteed link approval as well.
Benefit from website owner’s supervision
There are scores of free directories that pop up every now and then in the web world. Most of them vanish over a period of time due to lack of interest or supervision from the website owner. Subsequently, webmasters who have taken their time to submit links to these faded directories lose out on their time and efforts. Some of the directories fade away long before any web user even finds the links. On the other hand, paid directories will host your links for the paid duration. A paid directory owner generally devotes a lot of time towards website maintenance to keep the website clean and to ensure repeat customers. Some of the popular directories also hire a pool of employees who review each submission before acceptance. In this manner, the quality of the site is maintained. All the spam is taken care off. As a result, the posted links carry more value because search engines are partial towards sites that are not filled with spam links or content.
Gain permanent backlinks
One of the biggest advantages of paid directory submission is that it offers permanent backlinks. While there are many other techniques to gain permanent backlinks for a website, most of the techniques are a gamble. One can never be absolutely sure that the link building activity can fetch a permanent backlink or not. However, resorting to paid directory submission is one of the surest ways to gain permanent backlinks for one’s site because Google does reward a site with a permanent backlink when the site is listed on a popular directory.
Receive one way links
In addition to permanent backlinks, submission of a site to a paid web directory also enables one to gain one way link to one’s website. One way links are links that lead to another website link without a reciprocal website. One way links play a great role in determining the search engine ranking for a website. In other words, one way links can help a website receive maximum search engine benefits. Submission of your site to a reputable web directory will generally come with an assurance of natural one way link to your website. This will create a good image of your website in the eyes of search engines. Needless to say, this will eventually result into improved search engine position for your website.
Gain deep URLS
The best part is that most of the paid web directories allow a webmaster to include deep links. There are numerous benefits attached with deep links such as improvement in search engine rankings of the internal web pages. This will in turn result into more internal traffic. In addition to increased internal traffic, deep links allows influence for other parts of pages within one’s website. Over here, an effective link building campaign will ensure better weight distribution across all the web pages.